Nettlebed Community School

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Nettlebed Community School News

The latest news stories from Nettlebed Community School.


News Stories

  • Challenger, Term 1, Week 6
    Writing This week we are going to research WW2 and write about the information we find.
  • Challenger Class, Term 1, Week 7
    Science This week is science week! The children will explore some of the things that happen in each season. This will include learning about different types of weather and how to associate types of weather with particular seasons.
  • Challenger, Term 2, Week 1
    I hope you have all had a wonderful half term holiday! Please find the curriculum newsletter on our class page for an overview of the topics this term.
  • Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 1
    A very warm (literally!) welcome back to school!
  • Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 2
    We have a had a wonderful, if warm, start to the term - the children have returned from the holidays with a great attitude towards their learning and have worked hard despite the warm weather.
  • Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 3
    We had a busy week last week, settling into routines and diving deeper into our new topics.
  • Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 4
    What a week! We had our final elections of the year - our School Council elections.
  • Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 5
    With all the excitement of the start-of-term elections over, we had a week of focusing on War Horse and beginning our learning about the Spanish Armada.
  • Cross Country at Stoke Row
    Congratulations to the brave cross country team who tackled the course at Stoke Row last Thursday. It was a tough one and they all had to dig deep to make it round.
  • Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 6
    We ended the week with a brilliant skipping workshop - a huge thank you to Ms Roberts for organising it! The children thoroughly enjoyed trying to run in and out of the long rope.
Showing 201-210 of 245