Nettlebed Community School

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PE Premium Funding

What is the PE Premium funding? 

The Primary PE and Sport Premium is a direct grant from the government for the school which Head teachers allocate in ways they see fit to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. 

The PE pupil premium is spent alongside our ethos of encouraging high quality learning experiences for all children and offering opportunities for those who may not otherwise be able to access such activities.

Nettlebed Community School allocates funding under the DfE approved Physical Association of Physical Education's 5 key indicators: 

1. The engagement of all pupils on physical activities

2.The profile pf PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all children

5.Increased participation in competitive sport

Impact is measured against these criteria. Outlined below are some examples of how the budget is spent each year. Please open the document at the bottom of the page for individualised years.

Specialist PE teacher

We employ a specialist PE teacher, Mrs Roberts, who supports PE learning across the school.

This ensures continuity and progression in PE.  Mrs Roberts is also the school PE coordinator and manages school participation in Partnership sports fixtures and events.  Please see below.

We also benefit from specialist coaches each year in sports such as TAG rugby and cricket.

Inter-school competition and Intra-school competition

The Head teachers of the Woodcote Partnership jointly employ a member of staff to run and organise a packed calendar of inter-school competitive sports fixtures and events.  This provides a range of competitive opportunities and also targets key vulnerable groups. A typical year calendar includes:

  • 9 Cross-country competitions (years 1-6)

  • 5 football tournaments (KS1 and KS2 boys and girls)

  • Climbing

  • Sports hall athletics

  • Orienteering (year 3,4 and 5)

  • 2 netball tournaments

  • Hockey masterclass

  • Inter-house netball and cross country


This year the school sent sent both Years 3 and 4 swimming for a term. We are also paying for up to three swimming teachers to lead the sessions and ensure small group numbers. Each member of our staff is also trained to meet expected standards


At Nettlebed, we recognise that high quality PE provision relies upon sports equipment both for curriculum time and non-curriculum time. Over the years we have contributed towards the new Multi-Use Games Area in conjunction with the Community Joint Use Committee (JUC) and FONS, increased the range of equipment on the playground to ensure active break times and trained out Year 5's as Playground leaders.

The school also runs several clubs in the mornings before school which are open to all members of the family such as running and aerobics.


PE premium Funding Report