Week Ahead In Discovery 23.09.2422 September 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles)) |
Another busy, but good week in school as everyone is feeling more settled into their class and school routine.
The children are enjoying their new topic on Volcanoes. Last week, they learnt about the three types of mountains and the two types of volcanoes. The children have added this information to their fact files.
English/Topic: This week, the children will be writing a set of instructions on ‘How to make your own volcano.’ We will make our own volcano in class with salt dough, once dried, we hope to see it erupt.
Maths: Continuation and completion of our topic on ‘place values.’
Homework: Children will be writing their numbers from 50 to 100 in digits, words and Roman Numerals. Please could I ask that all children write every number between 50 to 100. There is no Atom Learning this week.
Spellings have been issued to all children. This has also been updated on the class page.
School council elections: This will take place on Monday for many classes.
Open afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30pm on Monday 23rd September 24. You are welcome to visit the classroom and have a look at some of the work covered in class.
Thank you for your support and wishing you all a good week.