Nettlebed Community School

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Nettlebed Community School News

The latest news stories from Nettlebed Community School.


News Stories

  • Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 1
    Welcome back to school and Highflyer Class! Also a special welcome to new students joining us in Year 2.
  • Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 2
    Well, last week was a scorcher but all the new Highflyers did very well to manage the heat and the new class! Let's hope it might be a little cooler this week!
  • Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 3
    Last week saw great improvement as everyone seemed to settling into the new routines and adjusting to Year 2. I think we were all pleased that the weather had cooled a little too.
  • Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 4
    I can't believe how September seems to be rushing by - the fourth week already!
  • Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 5
    This week are the parent/teacher appointments on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 6
    It was lovely to meet you with the parent teacher interviews last week and have a chance to chat about settling into Year 2 and general questions.
  • Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 7
    The last week of Term 1 and how quickly it has sped by.
  • Highflyer Class Term 2 Week 1
    I do hope you all enjoyed the break last week and found some refreshing time with the family.
  • Challenger, Term 2, Week 1
    I hope you have all had a wonderful half term holiday! Please find the curriculum newsletter on our class page for an overview of the topics this term.
  • Adventure class. T1 W3
    Another great week has gone past where Adventure children have been exploring, getting to know each other and enjoying the resources in the classroom.
Showing 231-240 of 245