Nettlebed Community School

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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator - The Week Ahead

Investigator - The Week Ahead

6 July 2024 (by Sarah Roberts (sroberts))


Last Week

It was a very busy week packed with play rehearsals and sports and we managed plenty of other work besides; science investigations into sound and volume, writing manifestos imagining what we would campaign for if we were running for election and interpreting charts and graphs in statistics in maths.

Sports Day

The Year 4s were fabulous on Thursday at Sports Day when they competed with courage and determination and supported each other with wonderful team spirit. Well done them!

Upper School Play – Porridge

Play rehearsals are in full swing. Unfortunately, the wonderful English weather has turned against us, so we have decided to perform indoors. On Monday the dress rehearsal is in the afternoon when we perform for the whole school. Wednesday’s evening performance for parents is at 6 pm and children should return by 5.30 pm to get changed and ready for the show.


On Thursday next week children get together with their next year’s class. For some of Year 4 that involves a change of classroom and for all it involves getting together with a new year group.


  • Weekly spellings
  • Reading
  • English Skills
  • Atom maths

YEAR 5 AND YEAR 6 MATHS FOR PARENTS Homework a nightmare? Struggling to understand the methods used and unable to help your child? Please see the flyer from Oxfordshire Adult Learning.

Have a great week!