Endeavour Class: Term 6, Week 57 July 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge)) |
Elections at Nettlebed
The children from Endeavour Class have been pretending to be campaigning for the major political parties and sharing their manifesto in assembly for the past few weeks. The children then had the choice to vote and went to the polls. 88% of the school chose to vote.
As happened in the last Nettlebed General Election, our children have overwhelmingly voted for the environmental option and voted in the Green Party.
Green Party – 36.9%
Labour – 29.5%
Liberal Democrats – 17.2%
Conservatives – 11.5%
Reform – 4.9%
There were a few spoilt ballot papers as well so we have talked in assembly about how this can affect the vote and why some people might do this on purpose.
The weeks seem to be flying by! My Wright has kindly taken a photo of Year 6 but we were missing someone. So we plan to attempt a whole-year photo again this week - weather permitting, as well as a whole-class one too.
Speaking of the weather - we have taken the decision to hold our Upper School production in the hall this year. It is a huge shame not to utilise the walled garden but there are many positive reasons for using the hall, one of which will be a very quick tidy up so everyone can get home to watch the football!
We have our dress rehearsal tomorrow, performing to the lower school. Please ensure that children have everything they need for their costume, we have most of them in school ready to go.
Please can children arrive back at school from 5:30 to get into costumes and prepare. We then hope to start promptly at 6pm.
Please find below, a link to a free online course for parents of year 5 & 6 children, who may like to learn more about the maths curriculum in order to support their children's learning.
Wishing you a lovely week ahead,
Mrs Burbedge