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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 6 Week 7

Highflyer Class Term 6 Week 7

12 July 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))

This week we are finishing off our topic and writing a seaside story.  There will be some sorting to do as well, so please provide a collapsible bag in case there is work to be sent home.   Also, please check if there any school books at home and send them in by Friday. 


For this last week of term we are reviewing and revising knowledge we have practised this year, so there will be a mixed selection of words we looking at.   The skills of proof-reading, partner sharing to spot and correct errors and dictation will be practised.   Also, this is the last week to practise spellings in year 2!   


Continue practising 2x 5x 10x tables.  This week we are finishing off statistics and having some fun maths games as we approach Friday.   Please note there is no maths homework to return.  


Monday - Open Classrooms - 3.35 - 4.30 p.m.

Tuesday - Forest School - as normal.

Thursday - P.E. kit to be worn.  There will be a shorter session this week as the assembly starts at 2.30 p.m.

                  Leavers' Assembly and Star of the Term Celebratory Assembly - 2.30 p.m.

Friday - Non-school uniform day.  Second-hand uniform sale.  Term ends at 1.30 p.m.

This year has sped by and it has been a delight to see how all the year 2 children have grown in their learning and maturity.  It has been a great year, filled with lasting memories.

Finally, I wish you all a lovely week and a great summer holiday!  Keep safe everyone!.