Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 527 September 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt)) |
30 September 2024
This week in our geography topic work we are thinking about comparing the 'cold' places to the 'hottest' places and where they are located. Our writing in English is linked to our topic work as we study the 'Lost and Found' book further.
Phonics and Spellings
This week the phonic focus is: Week 4 - Long /i/ + endings to words including –y (when no change to root word)
Please remember to send the school planner into school every day.
Our reading book is a non-fiction text - Extreme Earth. This book is about some of the most extreme places on Earth. Places where temperatures are freezing cold or blazing hot, and places where it rains almost every day or not at all. Please remember to send it into school every day. Again, we will be studying this and learning how a non-fiction book is structured and understanding the features of this type of information text. It also links very well with our current topic so there should be lots of discussion about facts they may already know to 'add' to the information. Additionally, there is a 'free choice' book to bring home as well. Please return 'Chicken Little' if it is still at home.
There will be mastering number and problem solving every week. This week, the children will revisit the composition of 6, and the position of 6 in the linear number system. They will recap that 6 is an even number They will recap the common spatial arrangement of 6 in a 2-by-3 array, linking this to Numberblock Six, and use this to recap the bonds of 6. They will also recap how 6 can be made across 2 rows of the rekenrek. The children will be encouraged to reason about the bonds of 6 by making connections with previous learning, e.g. that double 3 is 6, or that 5 and 1 more is 6. They will also be encouraged to consolidate their knowledge of the composition of even numbers as being made of 2 odd parts or 2 even parts. The activities include identifying missing addends in equations, and missing symbols in equations and inequalities. The children should be encouraged to make connections to what they know about 6, e.g. 6 < 7 + 1 because 6 is 1 less than 7, not 1 more than 7, or that 6 is made of 5 and 1. The other focus unit of maths continuing is place value - this week focussed on comparing and ordering numbers to 100 and practising counting in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s.
Forest School is again on Tuesday afternoon. Don't forget your change of clothes!
Many thanks and have a lovely week!
Mrs Wyatt & Mrs Winter