Nettlebed Community School

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Nettlebed Community School News

School News

The latest news stories from Nettlebed Community School.


News Stories

  • Final Week In Term 5
    The children have really enjoyed the topic On Our Way.
  • Week Ahead In Discovery 07.05.24
    The children have worked very hard on their topic on fractions and money. They have successfully completed their unit assessment on fractions. We have spent time focusing on addressing any misconceptions and nearing the end of our topic on money.
  • Week Ahead In Discovery 29/04/24
    Time seems to be flying by so quickly, as we find ourselves in week 3 of term 5.
  • Week Ahead In Discovery 22.04.24
    It has been great to have the children back feeling rested and full of energy after a nice 2 week break from school.
  • Welcome to Term 5 W/B 15.04.2024
    Hope you all have enjoyed the Easter break and the children are feeling rested.
  • Discovery Class End of T4
    A special thanks to Esther Abrey for coming into school to teach and give the children a fantastic yoga experience. This has concluded our topic on India beautifully.
  • Week Ahead In Discovery 25.03.24
    Final week in T4 with lots of learning and fun.
  • Week Ahead In Discovery 18.03.24
    I'm looking forward to meeting you all, to discuss your child's progress during our parent/ teacher evening on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Week Ahead In Discovery 11.03.24
    Another busy and exciting week at school with World Book Day celebrations, a play by Henley Youth festival, girl's football and a choir performance.
  • Week Ahead In Discovery 4.3.24
    What a brilliant end to week 2. The whole school took part in an obstacle course to raise money for Sobell House, along with a cake sale. Thank you all for the support.
Showing 11-20 of 37