Week Ahead In Discovery 15.7. 24 This will be the final in Discovery and everyone is looking forward to the summer holidays to relax and unwind after a busy academic year.
Week Ahead in Discovery 8.7.24 Wow! Last week was a busy but exciting week. The children showed real sportsmanship on sports day.
Week Ahead In Discovery 1.07.24 Last week, was brilliant but equally tiring! I hope you've heard all about Hill End and I also hope the children have caught up on some much needed sleep.
Week Ahead In Discovery 17/06/24 It was an exciting Monday, with the farm visiting lower school. The children really enjoyed their experience handling the animals and asking great questions to enhance their learning.
Week 1 T6 In Discovery 3.6.24 Welcome back ! Hope the children have enjoyed their half term and ready to do some more learning. T6 will be extremely busy with lots of different activities and learning opportunities.
Week Ahead In Discovery 07.05.24 The children have worked very hard on their topic on fractions and money. They have successfully completed their unit assessment on fractions. We have spent time focusing on addressing any misconceptions and nearing the end of our topic on money.