Week Ahead In Discovery 3.3.252 March 2025 (by Sonia Coles (scoles)) |
We have a very exciting learning week ahead. The children will dress up as Romans on Tuesday and go back in time to learn more about the Roman period. We also have another dress up day on Thursday to celebrate World Book Day.
This week, our focus will be on learning more about the Romans and their way of living. In addition, children will continue with Jungle Club and learn more about direct speech in our SPaG lesson. In English writing, they will write a short poem about Romans and about being a soldier.
Key dates - Tuesday 4th March Roman Day experience (all day in school).
Thursday - World Book Day celebration in school.
Friday - Swimming (am) and Cricket (pm).
Maths- Continuation of Fraction unit A
Some afternoon subjects will continue as normal.
Friday afternoon, children will be tested on the spellings that were issued on the last day of T3. Maths homework is on paper this week. Daily reading and times table practise is a must.
Please could I request for one adult support on Tuesday morning. Your help is truly valuable, many thanks.
Wishing you all a lovely week.