Nettlebed Community School

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Nettlebed Community School News

School News

The latest news stories from Nettlebed Community School.


News Stories

  • Greys Court Cross Country
    What a great start to the weekend! It's a beautiful morning at Greys Court and Nettlebed runners have made a spectacular start to the cross country season.
  • Adventure class. T1 W3
    Another great week has gone past where Adventure children have been exploring, getting to know each other and enjoying the resources in the classroom.
  • Adventure class. Term1. Week 1
    Dear Parents and Guardians, A warm and hearty welcome to you and your children at Nettlebed Community School. We're eagerly anticipating a year filled with excitement and enriching experiences.
  • Adventure class. Term 1. Week 2
    What a great start of the academic year it has been! The new adventure children have been super brave coming to school all by themselves and getting on with the day!
Showing 31-34 of 34