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  1. News
  2. Adventure Class
  3. Adventure class. T1 W3

Adventure class. T1 W3

2 November 2023 (by admin)

Another great week has gone past where Adventure children have been exploring, getting to know each other and enjoying the resources in the classroom.

Another great week has gone past where Adventure children have been exploring, getting to know each other and enjoying the resources in the classroom. Unfortunately, some of us got sick with a tummy bug but hopefully, everyone will be back on Monday completely recovered and ready for new Adventures.

Here are some of the pictures of the week:


Next week's learning:

Phonics: We will start learning first letter sounds and letter writing. Our aim for a week: s, a, t, p. Children will receive:

  1. A planner: to keep records of the sounds and books we provide to your child. We might use it for communication, although it is preferable via email since we will check planners once a week.

  2. A letter/word bag: These can be used for various purposes. Please let the children be "in charge" of the bag. Spread the contents out and let them choose which sound/word to share with you. This boosts their confidence as they select words/sounds they know first. It is crucial to turn it into a game rather than an obligation. Possible games include:

  • Matching letter sounds with pictures. Sometimes, we provide pictures to match with the sounds, but if not, children or parents can draw little pictures to link with the sound.

  • "I spy with my little eye": I Spy the Sound’ is a fun way to build phonics skills and phonemic awareness. In this variation of the classic game, ‘I Spy’, ask your child to spy words that begin with a certain sound, rather than a letter name. For example, “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with mmm.”

3. A library book (children's choice): These books are meant to be shared with parents (not for children to read). Parents can read the story to their children, and children can talk about the pictures and the story. Adults can also ask questions about the story. This book will be changed once a week (we recommend keeping it in their bags at all times, so that we can change it). Please see the guidance for parents for more details.


Another fun way of learning phonics at home is playing "Teach your Monster to Read" It is free and children love it also, you can learn maths and healthy eating.

Maths: number recognition, matching games, and 1:1 counting correspondence.

Science: my body and how to keep us healthy.

Arts: we will explore different resources for drawing.

Music: Environmental sounds.