Unicorn Class Term 4 Week 28 March 2025 (by Rebecca Fenwick (rfenwick)) |
Unicorn Class Blog Term 4 Week 2 Week Commencing 3rd March 2025
Wow, what a busy and exciting week in the Unicorn’s Class.
On Thursday everyone enjoyed dressing up as Characters from books, there were a variety of books brought in from home that we enjoyed sharing. We enjoyed acting out our characters and talking about the story we were from. Some of us drew pictures of what we had dressed up as or part of our favourite story. Sophie dressed up as Tutu Tilly and brought in the book ‘My Ballet Dream ‘by Adele Geras. The next day she showed us some of her ballet moves and explained and taught us how to do some of them.
On Tuesday it was Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day). Children learnt what ingredients went into pancakes, made pancake mixture, prepared healthy toppings and enjoyed eating their tasty pancakes. We listened to ‘Mr Wolf's Pancakes’ by Jan Fearnley and drew pictures of our favourite toppings on pretend pancakes. This week we have also used the playdough, cutters, rolling pins, buttons, and frying pans to make pancakes and other foods. We made and explored gloop which we thought looked like Pancake mixture, runny, creamy and white. When we touched the gloop we used a range of vocabulary to describe it such as sticky, wet, smooth, crumbly, drippy, hard, runny, gloopy. We were fascinated with the way we could scratch it up and it felt solid then it ran through our fingers like a liquid.
As part of SCARF this week we have been discussing healthy choices we can make to look after ourselves such as washing our hands before eating, after going to the toilet, before cooking and the reason why. We have been discussing healthy food choices and preparing healthy meals and lunch boxes in the home corner. We have looked at books about brushing teeth and going to the dentist, used our new dental set to pretend we are dentists, going to the dentists and brushing our toys teeth.
At Forest school we particularly enjoyed climbing, sliding, using the rope swings, hammock, making bird cake and eating pancakes for our snack.
Outside we enjoyed having different races including pancake races where we pretended our bats were the frying pan and the round discs were our pancakes. We have loved our new large loose parts area. We have been working together to make cars, police cars, boats and obstacle courses. Some of us have enjoyed pretending the garden is dinosaur land, being dinosaurs and pretending to visit them. We have been making beautiful musical tunes using our outside musical instruments. taking turns on the balance bikes, using the climbing frame and pretending to be Goldilocks and the three bears.
The Mobillo, Lego and junk modelling boxes have been joined together to make fantastic creations, that children have enjoyed discussing what they had made and using them as part of their play.
We enjoyed making our own registers and pretending to be teacher’s doing the register.
During phonics this week we have continued to play rhyming games, listen and notice rhyming in books/nursery rhymes and play Georgie’s Gym. We are continuing to learn the words and actions to our Alphabet chant. We have been learning the letters ‘c’ (The curly caterpillar crawls) and ‘k’ (The kangaroo keeps kicking). The writing cue we use to write the grapheme ‘c’ is ‘Curl around the caterpillar.’ and ‘k’ is ‘From head to toe, arm up, kick out.’ We practiced writing ‘c’ and ‘k’ letters using our magic fingers in the air and in gloop and using whiteboard pens.
Next week as part of SCARF we will be discussing ways we help others. Please can you write on a piece of paper or send a message to the Unicorn email (unicornclass@nettlebed.oxon.sch.uk ) how your child/children have been helping you for example tidying their toys, preparing food, help looking after a pet etc.
As part of our topic this term ‘Walking, wings or wheels?’ We are having a focus on wings, if your child has a book about aeroplanes or something with wings and they would like to bring it in to share they are welcome to.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.
Best wishes
Mrs Fenwick