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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 4 Week 2

Highflyer Class Term 4 Week 2

1 March 2025 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))

3 March 2025

This week we learning more about the actual flight of the Wright Flyer 1 in 1903 and writing about what happened and imagining what it must have been like to see it happen.  

Forest School continues on Tuesday and P.E. on Thursday as timetabled. 

Our phonic focus isWeek 2  Irregular plural nouns and revise the rule for –s /-es

                                              Common Exception Words:  half, woman, women 

                                              Contraction: haven’t

Maths is learning about money and knowing the difference between each coin/note and understanding the value of each.  If you have started any 'shops' role-play, we are looking at adding and subtracting amounts of money up to 20p then 50p.  Our other focus of mastering number is to develop a deeper understanding of strategies that will enable them to calculate efficiently, with a focus on using a ‘making 10’ or ‘bridging through 10’ strategy to add two 1-digit numbers, e.g. 8 + 5. This week we build on previous learning about adding two 1-digit numbers that ‘bridge 10’ and using the structure of number stories.

Don't forget that this week the spellings are being tested on Monday - starting this week.

Also, please remember to return the weekly maths homework by Friday of each week.

Thank you!

Mrs Wyatt and Mrs Winters