Challenger Class, Term 4, Week 22 March 2025 (by Grace Wall (gwall)) |
Challenger Class, Term 4, Week 2
Welcome to Term 4, Week 2!
The class will continue our class text Otto: Autobiography of a Teddy bear by Tomi Ungerer and write a diary entry. Due to the nature of the book being about World War 2, there are parts of the story that the children aren’t exposed to. Please be mindful if you are sharing it.
This week’s focus sound is -y (fly)
We are reading Shared reader 52 An extra pudding.
A digital version can be found here:
Further Readers:
Password: cg4pp0
The unit this term is Place Value (within 50) and this week we will focus on partition into tens and ones, the number 50, and estimate on the number line to 50.
In this unit about programming toys, children will be introduced to the principles of programming through unplugged tasks and the use of Bee-Bots.
World book day
We are celebrating World Book Day 2025 on Thursday 6th March. This year’s theme is to Read Your Way celebrating the reading that your child chooses to do in their free time without judgement. Please find more information on the world book day website: Children are welcome to dress up if they would like to and we encourage you to reuse or exchange costumes instead of buying new ones.
Have a fantastic week!