Nettlebed Community School

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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Term 3 Week 1

Term 3 Week 1

6 January 2025 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))

7 January 2025. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2025!

I do hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas break and wish you a healthy and happy new year!

Welcome to Term 3 and a more detailed overview of our learning this term will be added to the website on the 7 January.

We have a geography focus which is entitled, 'Who lives in Antartica?'.  Through this topic we will be learning about the flora and fauna of this part of our earth and appreciating the extreme cold climatic conditions that living things need to survive. 

This week, the timetable is running as before.  P.E. is on Tuesday and Thursday.   

Also, I would ask that all children have some indoor shoes for changing into whilst the weather is muddy and wet.   It is so much easier with dry shoes indoors to avoid damp carpets in the classroom after a playtime.  With grateful thanks!

Maths-  I urge all children to carry on practising at home to learn their times tables aiming for speed of recall. Spending only 15 or 20 minutes daily. Try chanting, singing or even rapping to help the learning become faster and more automatic.

Wishing you all a wonderful start to the year!