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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class
  3. Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 7

Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 7

15 December 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge))

Welcome to our final week of term!! I hope you are all looking forward to some revelry and rest and the term draws to a close. 

Last week, we completed our history topic which explored what life was like for children during the Roman, Tudor and Victorian periods, and how it compares with what life is like for children today. It has been incredibly interesting and I am proud of how the class have contributed to discussion with thought and maturity.

It was the turn of the Y5/6 boys to take part in a football tournament last week - there was some fabulous team spirit, impressive footballing skill and challenging matches! Well done boys!

This week we will be focusing on more Christmas-focused activities - we will be making cards and wreaths!

If you are able, it would be wonderful for the children to bring in any greenery which you may have to hand in your own gardens - this isn't compulsory as we will scour the school grounds for some too but it is always lovely to have a selection. All decorations for the wreaths will be provided.

Thank you in advance for any help!

Other events to remember!

Monday 16th December: Elfridges FONS Secret Present Room

The Secret Present Room will be open for children to buy Christmas gifts for their loved ones. Presents will be £2.50 each, with a maximum of 2 per child. 

Tuesday 17th December: Christmas Jumper Day 

Children can wear their Christmas jumper for Christmas dinner. Y5 Forest School in the morning (please bring in a baked good for a feast if you are able) and class parties will take place in the afternoon.

Thursday 19th December: Star of the Term Assembly at 2:45pm

Star of the Term awards, hamper raffle and Christmas singing from the upper school.

Friday 20th December: Last day of term, school finishes at 1.30pm.


Lastly, there is no homework. It is important that the children rest and relax with family over the holidays but homework will begin from the first week back.

I would like to wish you all the happiest of holidays and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!