Unicorn Class Term 2 Week 615 December 2024 (by Rebecca Fenwick (rfenwick)) |
Unicorn Class Blog Term 2 Week 5 Week Commencing 9th December 2024
There has been great excitement this week in the Unicorn class as Christmas preparations continued. Children helped to prepare the Christmas trees, then decorate them with baubles and tinsel. There were lots of paper chains made. Eliana and Max wanted to make theirs taller than me.
We did great problem solving whilst wrapping up presents, we worked out what size paper we would need for each toy and where to put the tape so it did not become unwrapped. We took it in turns to be Santa delivering presents whilst other children were pretending to be asleep. We loved making the Cosy area dark by using sheets and pretending that it was Christmas.
This week the Unicorn children have been very kind helping Elf and his visiting friends by writing letters to show what they are allowed to do and not to keep safe. The children also helped to make furniture, pillows, blankets and food for the Elf’s friends to sleep over.
During Forest School some of us made salt dough Christmas tree decorations, some of us pretended we were pirates searching for treasure and sailing on our boats (Using logs and trees as our boats). Some of us wanted to go on a worm hunt, we found some little ones in the soil under logs. We enjoyed using the little wooden furniture and loved the wooden Christmas tree that the older children had made out of wood.
During maths this week our main focus has been patterns. We have been using pegs, Numicon, cubes, shells, teddies and body parts to make patterns, show awareness and continue patterns. We also helped Curly caterpillar with her colourful patterns.
During phonics we revisited voice sounds, oral blending and segmenting. Everyone loved the guessing game that required segmenting and saying the answers such as I asked, “What animal says ‘woof woof’!” and then the children said d-o-g dog
This week we will continue with our Christmas theme which will include our Christmas Dinner and party. On Monday there is the FONS secret present room, children can bring money in so that they can choose surprise presents.
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend
Best wishes
Mrs Fenwick