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  1. News
  2. Unicorn Class
  3. Unicorn Class Term 2 Week 5

Unicorn Class Term 2 Week 5

9 December 2024 (by Rebecca Fenwick (rfenwick))

Unicorn Class Blog                    Term 2 Week 5              Week Commencing 2nd December  2024

Wow, what an exciting week.

On Wednesday the Unicorn children did amazing getting onto stage and performing a range of songs to their watching grown ups for their Christmas festive singing.

This week we also had Father Christmas in a helicopter flying over and waving to us. The Unicorn Class Elf has come back this December and has been leaving us a book present each day, that we have been enjoying sharing.

We have enjoyed a gingerbread man theme, which has included listening to different versions, retelling the story and pretending we were the characters from the story. We explored gingerbread playdough, making delicious gingerbread men, decorating them, luckily our ones did not run away.

Outside we enjoyed playing the gingerbread man, exploring different ways of transporting water to make a pond in bowls, we also explored sinking and floating.

During Forest School we found a little table and chairs that the wild club had made. We loved using these as furniture for our leaf families we made, we then found the leaf family delicious food using our imagination such as some straw was some cheese strings. The mud kitchen was used to make chocolate muffins and soup. We made handprint Christmas trees. We also enjoyed exploring log piles and using the swings.

We loved creating different models using the magnetic shape tiles and Duplo this week.

Our math’s focus this week has been subitising. We have been doing lots of subitising using buttons on gingerbread, shells, teddies, helping to subitise fossils and picnic food.

During phonics using ‘There was a Farmer who had a dog and Bingo was his name O’ we had a focus on rhyme and rhythm, using body percussion and orally blending and segmenting.

On the week commencing 9th December we will be having a Christmas theme.

Hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Best wishes

Mrs Fenwick