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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 2 Week 3

Highflyer Class Term 2 Week 3

15 November 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))

18th November 2024

This week we start in earnest to practice the drama and songs for our performance next month.  It is, scarily, not far in the future!   At some point this week we will be letting you all know what part your child is having and give a suggestion for the costume.  Please do search and reuse clothing you might have at home that quite likely can be adapted for the part.  Everyone is learning the songs and there should be a copy with you already.  For Year 2, there will be a small amount of speaking parts as the majority of these are allocated to Year 3 first.  

Extra Events: Tag Rugby on Tuesday morning.  Please arrive in school in P.E kit with warm jogging bottoms, the school hoodie and trainers.  Don't forget a waterproof/warm coat to wear all morning in case the weather is wet or chilly.  They will arrive back at lunchtime and start Forest School at 1pm so everyone needs their Forest School clothes to change into for later.

Phonics and Spellings

This week the phonic focus is: Term 2 Week 3 - Apostrophes for possession (and review words with / ou / ow /)

Please send their planner into school every day.


We are reading books related to our topic of 'How were schools different in the past?' 

The class book called 'Animal Poems' is continuing, concentrating on the performance of the poem and making dramatic effects.   


This week, the children will explore the composition of 9 and subitise other numbers within 9. They will see that 9 can be arranged in a square and use this knowledge to explore the patterns that can be made in a 3-by-3 grid, to identify bonds of 9 and to build a visual image of 9. The children will explore the structure of 9 on one row of the rekenrek, seeing 9 in relation to 5 (as 5 and 4) and in relation to 10 (as 1 less than 10).   With the other maths focus, the addition and subtraction unit will be completed and then we will be moving onto shape.  

Forest School is as normal this week.  Please remember to bring the full change of warm and waterproof clothes.

Have a lovely week third week of Term 2.

Mrs Wyatt & Mrs Winters