Unicorn Class Term 2 Week 110 November 2024 (by Rebecca Fenwick (rfenwick)) |
Unicorn Class Blog Term 2 Week 1 Week Commencing 4th November 2024
This week the Unicorn class were very excited to be back at school and have enjoyed a range of Diwali and Bonfire night activities, such as making fireworks, learning new songs, trying Indian food, listening to stories and making biscuits.
We watched and listened to colourful noisy fireworks on the interactive whiteboard, we then used words to describe the fireworks such as shiny, whooshing, spinning, twinkly, sparkly, red, green, blue, golden, loud, bright lights, banging, popping and whistling. We used our bodies to move in different ways like fireworks. Children had the opportunity to discuss how fireworks made them feel, some were excited and happy whilst others felt scared because they were too loud. We listened to a story called ‘Pip and Custard’, where Pip was very excited about seeing the fireworks with her friend, however, her dog custard felt very scared. We discussed how some children, pets and animals felt scared of fireworks. We enjoyed making fireworks using junk modelling, tissue paper, tape and glue. We were learning how to fold the circle to make a cone on top of our cylinder rockets. We made fireworks pictures using paints, printing, glitter glue, glitter sand, felt tips and pencils. We also made and observed indoor fireworks using water, oil and food colouring which we were very fascinated by. We also made and decorated firework biscuits.
We discussed what is a celebration and festival and what celebrations or festivals do they know or have experienced such as their birthdays, Halloween and we talked about how fireworks are used at Bonfire night, Diwali, New Year celebrations and Lunar New Year.
Freddie and Max told us about their birthday celebration during half term and Sebastian told us about his, they were all very excited by the presents they got and that they had birthday cake. At school they enjoyed celebrating by putting the amount of candles on the cake to represent their new age. We all sang happy birthday and they chose how they would like their birthday claps, big claps, little claps or marshmallow claps.
Mr Chaterjee kindly came to talk to the Unicorn and Adventure class about Diwali and what the celebration means to him. They were very interested in hearing his experiences about growing up in India and how he celebrated Diwali with his family which included talking about special foods, bright lights, family gatherings, firecrackers, gifts, Rangoli patterns, diva lamps, visits to the temple and seeing lots of cheeky monkeys and we enjoyed the story of Rama and Sita. This week we listened to Binny’s Diwali and The best Diwali ever. We watched some Diwali dancing and joined in. We have been making our own mehndi patterns on pre-cut hands and made Rangoli patterns.
This week for maths we have had a shape focus, this has included shape eye spy, shape hunts, observing a variety of Rangoli patterns, noticing and talking about the shapes used. We have also made our own Rangoli patterns using the Tap tap shapes, plastic shapes and colourful rice.
During phonics we have had a focus on rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, oral blending and segmenting. We enjoyed playing Georgie’s gym where we needed to listen to the robot talk and so what it is asking e.g. Everybody j-u-m-p, everybody touch you b-a-ck. We talked like a robot to say some of the words from ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ such as h-igh (high).
Outside we have enjoyed using the big diggers and vehicles in the sand, using the new balance bikes, tricycles, cars and scooters, finding different ways to climb, chasing games, making pretend fires using leaves then pretending to be firefighters putting the fires out, also looking for spiders, we found a big and small spider at the bottom of the box that had the vehicles in, we doing water painting and using chalks.
During Forest School we loved making firework pictures, playing hide and seek, playing in the mud kitchen and using the swings.
We have made some amazing fire engine pictures this week, enjoyed using the construction kits to make diggers, tractors and dumper trucks. Using the home corner to make a range of celebration meals. We have also enjoyed playing vets and using Mobillo and the large blocks.
During SCARF we were introduced to our new focus 'Valuing difference', we listened to ‘Elmer the patchwork elephant’ we talked about the differences we noticed with the elephants. We shared ways that we are similar or different to one another by playing a stand up and sit down game. We started to make a whole class Elmer the patchwork elephant using our favourite colours, we noticed that some of us liked the same colour and some of us had a favourite colour that was different.
We went to look at all the pumpkins that had entered the competition. We were very impressed by the different creations and Ruby’s Unicorn pumpkin came 1st place and Monty came 3rd, well done to both of you and to everyone who entered, there was a lot of effort and hard work put into them.
Next week we are going to be having a focus on Remembrance Day, Children in Need and continuing to learn about Diwali which will include making our own Diva lamps using clay.
Look forward to seeing you all for more exploring.
Best wishes
Mrs Fenwick