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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 11.11.24

Week Ahead In Discovery 11.11.24

7 November 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

Brilliant start to term 2!! I'm so impressed with the children's positive and enthusiastic attitude.

The children are enjoying their new history topic this term. We've read the text and began writing a diary entry based on the character in the book, applying their SPaG knowledge to make their writing interesting to the reader.

Over the next 2 weeks, children will write a non fiction text. Look at examples of how information is presented in books, other sources like newspapers articles, leaflets, etc. Using information gathered in class and at home the children will write their text using heading and sub-headings. Apply the SPaG knowledge taught in class.

Maths- Continuation and completion of our Addition and Subtraction unit + assessments. I urge all children to carry on practising at home, learn their times tables. Spending only 15 or 20 minutes daily.

Homework- worksheets in maths, SPaG booklets page 8, spellings and reading at home.

Wishing you all a good weekend and week ahead.

Best wishes,

Mrs Davey