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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 2 Week 1

Highflyer Class Term 2 Week 1

1 November 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))

4 November 2024

Welcome to the start of Term 2 and the new topic is history - How was school different in the past?

We will be thinking about what the classroom, school, staff and pupils were like over a hundred years ago and making comparisons between then and now and also spotting what is the same as well.  We will be using photographic evidence to show and bringing out some of the history /log books of our school as well.

This term also heralds the Christmas play, so more information will be coming your way when we start to learn songs for our performance at the end of the term.

Phonics and Spellings

This week the phonic focus is .Term 2, Week 1 ‘ph’ ‘wh’ / Words beginning ‘wr’ .  Also, who, whole, Mr/Mrs

Homophones: right/write

Please remember to send the school planner into school every day.


We are reading books related to our topic of 'How were schools different in the past?'

There will be a new class book called 'Animal Poems' for us all this week.  Please return your copy of Extreme Earth if you haven't managed to before the break.


This week the children will revisit and reason about the composition of odd numbers. Working with the odd numbers within 10 will allow the children to understand the structure of these numbers and to develop a deeper understanding of how they are different to even numbers. The children will begin by recapping that odd numbers are composed of 2s AND 1 ‘extra’ block, through looking at the ‘shape’ made by the odd Numberblocks.  Our other focus continues with addition and subtraction and understanding how they are linked together.

Forest School is as normal this week.  Please remember to bring the full change of warm and waterproof clothes.

Have a lovely week first week of Term 2.

Mrs Wyatt & Mrs Winters