Welcome to Term 2 04.11.242 November 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles)) |
Welcome to term 2, round 2! I hope you and your children have enjoyed a restful break from school. We now entre a very busy period of the academic year. From all the new learning experiences, trip to Earth Trust, Christmas production and assessments.
This term our topic is history based. Where would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age? To know that history is divided into periods of history e.g. ancient times, Middle Ages and modern. To know that BC means ‘before Christ’ and is the term used to date the years before Jesus was born and Anno Domini (AD) is Latin for ‘in the Year of the Lord,’ and is the term used to date the years after Jesus was born. Archaeological findings are those which change how we see the past and lots more.
Non-chronological report and gathering information to support their writing. They will also learn new spelling words, along with their SPaG knowledge to incorporate in their writing.
Maths: Continuation of Addition and Subtraction unit and assessments. Please could I request that children practise their addition and subtraction at home, along with learning their times tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 regularly.
Homework: research information of the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age at home, learn their weekly spellings and read a variety of texts.
All children will receive a copy of the lyrics for our Christmas production to learn at home. All scripts will follow after for children to practise.
Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.