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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 21.10.24

Week Ahead In Discovery 21.10.24

20 October 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

It is the final week of term 1 and the children are looking forward for a break after working so very hard.

It was lovely to meet most of the parents of Discovery this year. A lovely opportunity to hear from you, but also to let you know how well you how well your child has settled in.\

The last 2 weeks have been blocked by science. However, we will return to English this week. Writing a setting description based on our text Pompeii. The children will go back in time, apply their SPaG knowledge to create an interesting version of a setting description.

Maths- Continuations of addition and subtraction unit. Homework this week has been specifically been created and sent home in your child's bag. Please continue to ensure that your child/ children are learning their times tables and practising simple addition and subtraction questions at home involving 3 digit numbers, either adding or subtracting a single digit involving an exchange. 

Star of the term assembly will take place on Friday. I will not be in school from Wed to Friday, so I would like to congratulate the children in Discovery for working so hard but a special thanks to the children chosen this term.

Please note spellings and curriculum letter for next term can be found on the class page.

Wishing you all a good week and a lovely half term.