Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 820 October 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge)) |
Last week, the children Finished writing some detailed reports about animals of the Amazon - we found out and shared some incredibly interesting facts! The children used their computing skills to create presentations from their reports too.
Later in the week we had our class treat, during which, some children helped to clear the Endeavour Class garden; we got so much done. However, there is still more to do so we will be designating an afternoon each term to upgrading our garden.
This week, we are largely finishing off our pavilions in DT and wrapping up our rainforest topic. I will speak with the class about the BBC 500 words competition and devoting a little time to working on some story planning together. We may also have time for some Hallowe'en celebrations and scary story writing!
Don't forget to book tickets for FONS Hallowe'en events!
Have a brilliant last week of term,
Mrs Burbedge