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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 6

Highflyer Class Term 1 Week 6

4 October 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))

7 October 2024

Last week we really enjoyed celebrating National Poetry Day.  Amongst sharing other poems within the school, our class listened to 'Eddie and the Nappy' by Michael Rosen.  It was a real laugh and we had great fun enjoying the poetry last Thursday.  This week in our geography topic work we are thinking about 'What a hot place is like.'   We will be looking at the weather, climate, discussing seasons and finding out about the plants and animals.  

Phonics and Spellings

This week the phonic focus is:  Week 5 - Long /o/ (/oa/oe/o_e/ow/) + endings to split digraph words and other words ending in ‘e’.

Please remember to send the school planner into school every day.


We continue with our reading book, non-fiction text - Extreme Earth.  We are really enjoying it as we find out facts and understand how a 'fact' book is structured and what features are included.


This week the mastering number unit is focussed on the children exploring the composition of 8. The representations used this week – an 8-grid linked to Numberblocks, rekenreks and the Hungarian number pattern – will draw attention to the different ways of composing 8. They will also recap the position of 8 in the linear number system; relating numbers to other numbers will support the children to develop good number sense, e.g. seeing that 8 is between 7 and 9 (and is therefore 1 more than and 1 less than these numbers respectively), as well as relating 8 to the key ‘anchors’ of 5 and 10.  Our other unit of maths moves on from place value to learning addition and subtraction and how they are linked together.

Forest School - Please note there is no Forest School this week,Tuesday (Oct 8th) and also next week (Oct 15th).  Please wear P.E. kit as normal.

Many thanks and have a lovely week!

Mrs Wyatt & Mrs Winter