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  1. News
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  3. Unicorn Class Term 1 Week 5

Unicorn Class Term 1 Week 5

6 October 2024 (by Rebecca Fenwick (rfenwick))

Unicorn Class Blog                    Term 1 Week 5                Week Commencing 30th September 2024

This week in the Unicorn’s Class we have been enjoying exploring different vegetables particularly whilst making and tasting the vegetable soup. All of us liked the red onion’s colour and the pattern inside the onion once opened. Some of us did not like the strong smell of it whilst cutting it. We discovered some vegetables were harder than others, which made it more challenging to cut. However, everyone tried really hard and discovered techniques to make it a bit easier. Some of us thought the courgette looked like a cucumber because it was a similar colour and shape. We took it in turns to carefully pour in the water into the saucepan. We had the vegetable soup as our Forest School snack, most of us liked smelling, tasting and looking for the different vegetables in our soup. We enjoyed learning the actions and words to a vegetable soup song. We have also had the opportunities to do vegetable printing. Some of used our imaginations to make a café selling delicious vegetable and autumn dishes.

During Forest School we enjoyed collecting autumn’s treasures in our paper bags and discussing what we had found, the different colours on the leaves and amounts. We listened to ‘Leaf Man’ by Lois Ehlert, discussed the pictures and made our own autumn collages and did printing with the autumn treasures we had found.

We planted cress, we were fascinated by how small the seeds were and enjoyed noticing the changes when the seeds germinated, watering the cress and comparing each other's cress plants.

We enjoyed going to the hall to play ring games and explore different ways to travel across benches and safely  jumping off at the end.

As part of our SCARF programme we listened to ‘Sometimes I Feel Sunny’ by Gillian Shields. We then discussed how we were feeling now and the reason why. We discussed that there are lots of different feelings, that it is alright to not feel okay sometimes and that everyone has different feelings. We also discussed who can help us if we are not feeling okay. We enjoyed playing fishing for emotions, saying how the face may be feeling and reasons for this. We have also enjoyed sharing other books exploring different emotions.

Construction has been very popular this week with the 3 Little pigs houses being built, homes for the teddies, bridges and ramps. There were lots of exploring ways to make cars go down faster. Building train tracks has also been popular, Oscar wanted to make an ‘O’ for Oscar, he noticed that it looked like a ‘C’ for Chris. 

The focus during maths this week has been comparing weights, lengths and quantities. We particularly enjoyed comparing vegetables by holding 2 different vegetables predicting which one would be the heaviest/lightest then using the balance scales to see which one was the heaviest/lightest. We were then also enthusiastic to compare the weight of different vehicles. We noticed that some big vehicles were lighter than some smaller vehicles. There was also one big vehicle that weighed the same as 6 small cars. We have also been investigating and comparing the different sized leaves, conkers and pine cones.

During phonics we have been continuing with rhyming, alliteration, environmental sounds and rhythms. Wake up do Lydia Lou was very popular with children noticing rhyming and joining in. 

Oscar took part in the Sacred Heart Cross Country Championship and was very pleased to be able to show his certificate and medal to the class. Well done Oscar