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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 7.10.24

Week Ahead In Discovery 7.10.24

6 October 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

Another busy but a fun productive week in Discovery. We've also won the class treat!

On Friday, the whole school to part in sharing their poems they had written during the week. In Discovery, we spent time learning about kennings and wrote poems on Volcanoes. Children also wrote and excitedly shared other kennings they had written about the seasons, animals or people.

A special thanks to PC Sue Haynes for visiting us to talk about anti - bullying. The children asked her lots of interesting questions and she was really impressed.

This week and next we will focus on science and our topic is about rocks. However, we will also cover fossils and soil. I hope the children will enjoy all the experiments we conduct in class and share their knowledge with you at home.

Maths- continuation of addition and subtraction unit. Please could children practise some basic addition and subtraction questions at home with no exchange involved. Times tables practise is a must, thank you for your support.

Homework- spellings have been issued on Friday, daily reading, spag homework and maths will be on Atom learning.

Class treat- The children have worked hard last week and they definitely deserve a little treat. All week they will be allowed to wear slippers or comfortable footwear only in class and bring in a soft cuddly toy. Please ensure they do not bring any other type of toys into school. They will be responsible for looking after their belongings.

On Friday, the children will wear home clothes as requested and a mini film. However, please ensure their clothes are appropriate for the weather.

Wishing you all a good week.