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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class
  3. Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 5

Endeavour Class: Term 1, Week 5

29 September 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge))

Last week, children interested in the environment wrote and delivered speeches in a bid to earn votes and become our class Eco Councillors. They did a wonderful job, results will be announced in assembly on Monday!

in topic writing last week, we analysed some poems written by indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest. The children then tried their hand at writing their own poems, attempting a specific rhyming pattern of their choice. On Monday, we will polish and perform those poems which we will record on iPads to share with other classes and maybe even in assembly too! This leads us nicely into National Poetry Day on Thursday. To celebrate, we are joining a bid to break the world record for the largest number of people to participate in a multi-venue poetry lesson!

Our DT lesson this week is the one the children have been waiting for - building our pavilion structures with lolly sticks and glue guns!! They have worked hard to design a freestanding structure and will finally get the chance to bring their designs to life. In the coming weeks, the children will be cladding their structures so they are welcome to bring in any recycled items they wish to use though we will have plenty in school too.

Please do ensure you read the Round Up for further news from across our school community, especially about the forthcoming Hallowe’en activities FONS have planned - tickets can now be bought online so don’t miss out!

Don’t forget, our Bikeability course is next week, I will be sending out further information on Wednesday.

Have a great week!

Mrs Burbedge