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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead in Discovery 16/09/24

Week Ahead in Discovery 16/09/24

13 September 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

Its been a busy week in Discovery and the children have been working hard in school.

This week the children have been learning about our new topic on Volcanoes and why do people live near them? We looked at the layers of the earth and the children did lots of research at home to support their writing in class. Our focus in Spag has been about writing in paragraphs.

Next week, the children will continue to learn more about our topic on volcanoes and add more detail/ information to their non-fiction text.

Maths- Continuation of Place Values. Please could I request your child practise their times table at home, current learning in class.

Maths homework this week is in your child’s planner, along with a copy of Roman Numerals. Children should write numbers from 1-50 in words, numbers and Roman numerals. Spelling and reading daily are equally important.

On Monday, I will ask children who wish to become a school councillor, as elections will be held in class next Friday. If your child would like to stand for the elections, they will need to prepare a convincing speech. Good luck to those who wish to stand!


Thank you for your support and wishing you all a good week ahead.