Challenger Class, Term 1, Week 28 September 2024 (by Grace Wall (gwall)) |
Challenger Class, Term 1, Week 2
Welcome to Term 1, Week 2!
The class has had a fantastic start to the year and are settling into the school’s rules and routines beautifully especially as it is a big step coming from Foundation to Year 1. They have shown exceptional kindness to each other and willingness to learn, and I hope they feel super proud of themselves.
We will introduce the Class Text ‘The Town Mouse & The Country Mouse’ for this term and write a character description based on the story.
A link to the book can be found here:
As we had a short week last week, we are in the midst of taking assessments, therefore we are going to continue to consolidate what has been learnt in Foundation this week with a view of starting their first Year 1 Shared Reader next week in line with the scheme of learning.
Please see this as an opportunity of embedding prior learning and use our Further Readers which can be found here:
Password: cg4pp0
They will of course be offered a hard book to take home from our wide selection in school to encourage reading for pleasure that suit their interests and can expose them to lots of rich vocabulary. Our class text ‘TTM&TCM’ is also a good source of information that will help them with their writing, which can be found in the link above.
The unit this term is Place Value (within 10). This week we will continue to focus on sorting, counting & representing objects.
This ‘Caring for Others’ unit teaches the class how they can be kind to each other and look after one another. Children will learn about kindness and the importance of caring for others, by exploring the values of different religions. This includes reading stories from different faiths and learning about religious festivals and practices. In the final lesson of the unit, children will begin to explore a story from different perspectives.
I hope you have a brilliant week!