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  1. News
  2. Challenger Class
  3. Challenger Class, Term 6, Week 5

Challenger Class, Term 6, Week 5

30 June 2024 (by Grace Wall (gwall))

Challenger Class, Term 6, Week 5


This week is election week and the children are going to write about what they would do if they were Prime Minister. There will also be creative writing tasks linked to the topic ‘by the sea’.



We have come to the end of the year 1 SFA Reading & Writing scheme. The scheme continues again when they go into year 2.

We will spend the next few weeks consolidating what has been learnt, carrying out reading comprehension tasks and the children will choose their favourite books to take home.

Further Readers:

 Password: cg4pp0



We will finish the Unit on Place Value (within 100) and begin our new unit on Money. This will focus on unitising, recognising coins & notes, and counting coins.



Learning numbers in Spanish.




Have a brilliant week!