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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class: Term 6, Week 3

Endeavour Class: Term 6, Week 3

16 June 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge))

Last week the children worked incredibly hard to polish a formal, persuasive letter to Mrs Greenwood to highlight their feelings about shared lunchtimes this term. They had a huge vested interest in the subject which gave purpose to their writing; I am very so proud of the final pieces.

This week, we will be turning our attention to full play practise and collecting data for our geographical fieldwork. I have been super impressed at how quickly the children have learned their lines this year! I am really looking forward to working with them on the play after such dedication.

From the Round Up:

Please do remember the opportunity to come and see our amazing musicians next week on Wednesday at 2,45pm. Lots of the children will be sharing their talents both as a class and individually from Year 1 upwards. Everyone is welcome.

Is taking place this coming Saturday 22nd June from 3-8pm and we don’t want you to miss out! Tell all of your friends too!

With such changeable weather right now, could you please ensure children have a light waterproof in their bags so they are still able to play outside in light rain - hopefully summer will start soon!

Have a brilliant week ahead,

Mrs Burbedge