Nettlebed Community School

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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 10.06.24

Week Ahead In Discovery 10.06.24

9 June 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

We have a different, exciting and busy week of learning this week for the children.

The final term of the academic year is always a busy one for all in school. We have lots of different learning opportunities in school this week.

English/Topic- Children will write a non-chronological piece of writing on St. Ives. We will check and incorporate all features of a fact file.


Monday 10th : We are very lucky to have the farm visit our school with lots of different animals. Children in year 3 will have the chance to ask questions and link some of their previous Science and PSHE knowledge about animals, including humans.


Maths- Continuation and revision of our unit on Time. There will be an end of unit assessment during the week.

Reading assessments will also continue this week.

PSHE- This week, year 3’s will join the year 4’s for an interactive live SCARF lesson via zoom on Friday.   Last week, I sent an email to all parents about the lesson ‘What make me ME’ along with the lesson objectives.

Wishing you all a good week.