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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week 1 T6 In Discovery 3.6.24

Week 1 T6 In Discovery 3.6.24

29 May 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

Welcome back ! Hope the children have enjoyed their half term and ready to do some more learning. T6 will be extremely busy with lots of different activities and learning opportunities.

Our topic for T6 is " By the Sea." How is a small town in the UK (St. Ives) different from a non- EU region (Arctic)? 

This topic is geography based and requires map work. We will also spend time gathering facts in and outside the classroom through research. Homework for the first week back has been set and emailed to all parents. In class, children will write a non-chronological fact file over the next 2 weeks.

Maths: Continuation of "Time". 

Please could I request that your children continue to learn their times table, especially for the rest of the academic year. They should continue practising all units previously taught in class.

Reading: New text for T6 is ' Town By the Sea.'

Afternoon subjects will continue as normal.

Hill End residential meeting with parents and children on 6.6.24 at 3:45 pm. 

Wishing you all a great week ahead and thank you for all your support.

Best wishes,

Ms Coles