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  1. News
  2. Unicorn Class
  3. Unicorn Class Term 5 Week 5

Unicorn Class Term 5 Week 5

18 May 2024 (by Rebecca Fenwick (rfenwick))

Unicorn Class Blog                    Term 5 Week 5                Week Commencing 13th May 2024

This week we have been exploring fruit. As part of this we loved playing a Kim's game using a watermelon, orange, blueberry, kiwi, banana and apple. We were good at taking turns and giving clues to help if someone was unsure, such as, “It is a fruit that is yellow and monkeys like.”, “It begins with O like Oscar and octopuses.” We carefully used knives to prepare different fruit for our delicious fruit kebabs which we enjoyed eating. Our fine motor skills were also used to draw/colour, cut, use the hole puncher and thread fruits to make fruit bracelets. We have enjoyed making potions and juices with oranges and lemons. We made salt dough fruits and paper plate watermelon slices to sell at our role play fruit market. Once it was set up we enjoyed selling and buying the fruit and then using it to have picnics and prepare food in our home corner. 

There have been lots of children setting challenges to themselves on the climbing frame, showing determination, perseverance and extremely pleased with themselves with the results. Which has also been increasing their gross motor skills. The sandpit has also been popular with lots of sandcastles and moats being built. We also enjoyed playing parachute games. 

During Forest School we enjoyed searching for different minibeasts. We found 3 millipedes, 3 slugs and one woodlouse under one log. There were lots of spiders and we found different sized worms. Some of us enjoyed making the path through the sticking nettles a bit wider by using a long stick. It was international give some flower's day so some of us chose to make bunches of flowers to give to someone. The hammock and climbing was popular too.

This week we have enjoyed using Stickle bricks, Lego and blocks and have been using positional talk such as ‘in front of, behind, under and on top of’ and made amazing stories around the models and small world toys. 

We have been working out how to stack the number blocks so the biggest goes at the bottom and the smallest at the top. We have then been working out how to put them all inside each other.

We have also enjoyed number rhymes. nursery rhymes, rhyming books and learning the b and f sound this week.

We enjoyed sharing the Handa’s Surprise story and song. We have also been learning a new singing and signing song about fruit and revisited some of our other singing and signing songs.

Next week we will be exploring vegetables as part of this we will be using vegetables in cakes and having a superhero theme.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Best wishes 

Mrs Fenwick