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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class
  3. Endeavour Class: Term 5, Week 3

Endeavour Class: Term 5, Week 3

28 April 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge))

The children have all been settling well into the term and our new arrangements are working well. 

This week, we will be learning all about the Amesbury Archer - who is he? What was his life like? We will be immersing ourselves in all things Bronze Age. This will form the basis for both our writing this week and a historical investigation we will be conducting over the next two weeks.

Year 6 children have been working hard at some SATs revision - please do encourage them to continue working on SATs Bootcamp at home. 

Please remind the children to wear a jumper/cardigan into school, as well as a rain jacket - some were quite cold last week with such unpredictable weather and were not able to play out in light rain. 

Wishing a lovely, and hopefully, much warmer week ahead!

Mrs Burbedge