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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 29/04/24

Week Ahead In Discovery 29/04/24

28 April 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

Time seems to be flying by so quickly, as we find ourselves in week 3 of term 5.

The children are really enjoying the history of transportation, how its evolved and how it will continue to evolve in the future with a focus on renewable energy.

Last Monday, the children conducted a traffic survey outside school. They were really surprised by the number of cars and vans they counted using a tally chart for a period of only 10 minutes during off peak hours. Over the last 2 weeks, children have taken down notes to help support their fact file.

English/ Topic: Biography writing on Neil Armstrong.

We will look at the features on how to write a biography and learn about who Neil Armstrong was. As part of homework set for next week, children must spend 10 minutes finding out some information about him. There has been no SPaG booklet homework set. Please ignore the date in your child's book.

Maths: Assessments have been conducted on Fraction (B) as we've concluded that topic. However, it is evident, that further support and practising their times tables is an absolute must. I appreciate all your support at home.

Our new topic is Money.

Afternoon subjects, will continue as normal.

Wishing you all a good week ahead.