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  1. News
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  3. Unicorn Class Term 5 Week 2

Unicorn Class Term 5 Week 2

27 April 2024 (by Rebecca Fenwick (rfenwick))

Unicorn Class Blog                                 Term 5 Week 2                  Week Commencing 27th March 2024

This week we have been exploring the life cycle of plants. As part of this we enjoyed looking at a small runner bean plant, runner beans, looked inside runner bean pods, counted how many beans and we have planted runner bean seeds. We have also enjoyed sharing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, making props such as the golden eggs, coins, harp, beanstalk and leaves. We looked at pictures of castles, then worked together to make a big castle and then enjoyed acting out the story. The puppets were also used to retell the story and we have been using different construction kits to build Jack's house and the castle. We shared ‘Jasper's Beanstalk’. 

This week we have also been looking at the lifecycle of a sunflower. We enjoyed sharing ‘Ten Seeds’ by Ruth Brown, discussing the pictures, what animal was taking the seeds away, the growth of the plants, and we were curious about the roots and stem. We learnt that like us plants need water and nutrients, one of  the functions of the roots. Alfie told the rest of the class that roots keep the plant upright and stop them from falling over. We also shared ‘The tiny seed’. We did lots of counting, comparing sizes, discussing what was in the pictures and were very interested in the journey of the tiny seed asking some great questions and comments such as, ‘How can seeds fly through the air if they have not got any eyes?, ‘What is happening to the sunflower, why is it drooping?’ and whilst looking at the seed under the ground in the winter, Moonie commented that ‘In the Spring the daylight is longer than in the winter.’ We each planted our own sunflower seed, which we are excited about looking after and watching grow. We watched and listened to a story about Vincent Van Gogh and his sunflowers and then used watercolours to paint our own artwork. 

We have been learning about some of the things that plants need to grow and what babies and all people need to grow. As part of this we had two very special baby visitors and their mummies, Marcie’s mum and Mrs Greenwood. We were interested in finding out more about babies, what they eat, drink, the kinds of toys they like playing with and are safe to play with. We were given the opportunity to feed one of them, watch them drink their milk from a bottle and water being drunk from a beaker with a lid. We watched them crawl, stand and take steps. We also enjoyed singing them their favourite songs.The home corner has been used to play families with babies. We have enjoyed preparing food, changing nappies and getting our babies dressed.

During Forest school we enjoyed looking in the pond and spotted tadpoles, a newt and nymphs. We also enjoyed playing hide and seek, using the hammock and we did lots of climbing.

The brio trains have been popular again this week and some of us were very excited when we saw an old steam train in the story of Vincent Van Gogh. 

Outside we have loved climbing, playing in the sandpit, riding bikes, playing Giant chase, catching balls and hide and seek. We noticed dandelions in our garden, looked at seed heads of dandelions and we noticed that they looked like a fairies ball or wand. When it was a cloudy day we observed the dandelion flowers in our garden were closed up and the next day they opened up again. We also spotted a shield bug, 2 baby slugs and 2 ants.

We have been noticing lots of rhyming words, beginning sounds, other letters in words. Some of us have been wanting to make rhyming books, story books and pictures that we have wanted to share with the rest of the class. The alphabet puzzles and practising writing letters has also been popular this week.

Next week we are having a bee and mini beast focus which will include going on a mini beast hunt and making honey biscuits.

Please can we have a picture of your child/children as a baby and discuss with them some of the things they were able to do and liked e.g. favourite food, song, toy etc. You are welcome to send these to the Unicorn email address, which is:

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes 

Mrs Fenwick