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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator - The Week Ahead T5Wk3

Investigator - The Week Ahead T5Wk3

26 April 2024 (by Sarah Roberts (sroberts))


Well, another busy week has flown by, and I can’t quite believe that it is the weekend already!  

Our history topic is proving to be quite fascinating. This week we have discovered what some homes were like in the Stone Age when we found out about Skara Brae, on the Orkneys. This incredible site was revealed after a succession of storms in the 1850s. Children may like to revisit this 3D digital model.

Next week in history, we will be asking the question ‘Who was the Amesbury Archer?’

In maths, we will continue with our unit of work on Decimals.


Homework this week

English Skills: section 2 test 7

Spellings (in planners)

Atom maths – Converting Decimals and Fractions

Reading every night.


CONGRATULATIONS to Investigator! Finally, we have won the Class House Point competition!  We will have a treat next Friday - you all deserve it!


Investigator Bake Sale – Friday 3rd May

I believe we have the class Bake Sale next Friday after school. All donations welcome. As part of our IT lessons this week, we have been learning about manipulating text and images in Word and creating posters to advertise the event.  


Finally, I have let the class know already that I will be absent from school on Monday.  Our TA, Mlle Tarin will be present and there will be a supply teacher to cover the lessons. I’ll be back in on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!