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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class
  3. Endeavour Class: Term 5, Week 2

Endeavour Class: Term 5, Week 2

21 April 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge))

 It was lovely to have all the Y5s & Y6s altogether last week. Everyone settled in well even if we were all a little tired towards the end of the week! The big news of the week is that all Y6 children received their new hoodies so do look out for those.

In history this week, we will be learning about Skara Brae - we will discussing what the site teaches us. We will consider what we know for certain from the evidence available and what possible conclusions we can draw from that evidence. 

We will continue reading Wolf Brother and, taking inspiration from the description in the text, we will write our own setting descriptions. We will think about the language Michelle Pavers uses and try to create our own ways of describing natural occurrences and cycles in a forest setting.

Year 6 will continue SATs practise, focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar this week. Please encourage your child to log on to SATs Bootcamp to complete the revision on Area & Perimeter as well as Volume. We have had some lengthy conversations about taking responsibility for their own learning and trying their best. If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to catch me at the end of the day or pop me an email.

All children will be being provided with an erasable blue writing pen. We will only be using this type of pen going forward so that the children become accustomed to writing in pen before transitioning to secondary school.

Wishing you a lovely week,

Mrs Burbedge