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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator - Week 2 22.4.24

Investigator - Week 2 22.4.24

19 April 2024 (by Sarah Roberts (sroberts))

First week back

What a great start to the new term! Seeing the class again after the Easter holidays has been a real pleasure. They have all returned to school with a fantastic attitude to learning (I expect no less from Year 4, of course) and we have got off to a flying start with our new topics. 

It seems that many children are already experts in several fields! Some have shown impressive knowledge in Science where we are investigating animal classification. Some have been carrying out their own Stone Age research and are bringing their wonderful interest and enthusiasm to our lessons. Keep it up, everyone!

Next week's learning

This week we have found out that humans have been around for a very, very long time. We even created a toilet roll timeline to demonstrate this.  

In history next week, we will be using archaeological evidence to find out about prehistoric houses with a particular focus on Skara Brae which was built in Scotland during the Neolithic period.

Homework reminder

  • Atom maths
  • Spellings – everyone has new spellings in their planners which will be tested next Thursday
  • English Skills (for those who have this booklet) Section 2 Test 6 – due in next Friday
  • Reading – children should be reading at home every day


Coach Tom was extremely complimentary about Year 4 after their first tennis session.  Again, this is what I expect from the class, but it is lovely when someone from outside the school recognises this.  Keep it up Year 4!


Have a great week everyone!