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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 22.04.24

Week Ahead In Discovery 22.04.24

19 April 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

It has been great to have the children back feeling rested and full of energy after a nice 2 week break from school.

 As always they are keen and so enthusiastic about our new topic 'On Our Way'. The children have looked at the evolution of transport and were absolutely fascinated by the transport in the future.

On Monday, year 3s and year 1s will go to the carpark by the school to survey the number of vehicles they see on the roads today. This will be a brief activity, but they will record their findings in the form of tally charts.

 English: After taking down lots of notes in class and from research conducted at home. Children will begin writing their non- chronological reports (fact files) as a writing task for the week.

Maths: Fraction B. Please could children practise finding fractions of an object at home, similar to the homework sent home this week. I have also given every child 36 multiplication number sentences to learn. This way they don't find it overwhelming and also realise that multiplication is commutative.

Afternoon subjects will continue as normal.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend and a good week ahead.