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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Investigator - First Week of Term 5

Investigator - First Week of Term 5

9 April 2024 (by Sarah Roberts (sroberts))


Welcome back to school for the start of Term 5! I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break with a chance to unwind and spend time with family and friends. 

Our history topic for this term transports us back to the Stone Age to find answers to the question ‘Would you rather live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?’.  

Shared Readers 

We will be using Satoshi Kitamura's book Stone Age Boy in our English lessons. This historical fiction book cleverly combines historical facts and an entertaining story about a boy who finds himself transported in time back to the Stone Age. 

I also recommend Michelle Paver’s Wolf Brother for independent reading. 

Both books are a fantastic source of information about this period in history which can be surprising in its innovation and artistic expression. 

Multiplication Facts Please encourage your children to keep practising their times tables. Regular practice is the key to secure knowledge and confident recall of these facts. See the links at the top of the Investigator class page to some practice sites.  

Homework will continue as normal with weekly spellings, maths homework on Atom and English Skills exercises. 

PE days will change again in Term 5. We will revert to Mondays and Fridays. On Friday Y4 will have a term of specialist tennis coaching brought to us by Henley Tennis Club. 

Have a great first week back!