Welcome to Term 5 W/B 15.04.20248 April 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles)) |
Hope you all have enjoyed the Easter break and the children are feeling rested.
Our topic for T5 is " On Our Way." How has transport and travel changed within our living memory? This will be a history based topic. However, through research and gathering facts in and outside the classroom, children will write a non-chronological fact file over the next 2 weeks.
Maths: Begin our new topic "Fraction B".
Please could I request that your children continue to learn their times table, especially for the rest of the academic year. They should continue practising all units previously taught in class and complete their revision sheets that were sent home before the end of T4.
Reading: New text for T5. The Boy Who Biked The World.
Afternoon subjects will continue as normal.
Wishing you all a great week ahead and thank you for all your support.
Best wishes,
Ms Coles