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  1. News
  2. Investigator Class
  3. Final Week in Investigator - round up

Final Week in Investigator - round up

29 March 2024 (by Sarah Roberts (sroberts))

We had a lovely final week of term and I wanted to share news of some of the special events. On Tuesday,  Y4 had their final swimming lesson and learned techniques for self rescue. See the slide show above to find out what they got up to. 

In our history topic lessons we addressed the question 'Why is India dscribed as a land of contrasts?' Groups prepared presentations on different aspects of the country in answer to this question.

Many thanks to Esther Abrey who helped us wind down with a wonderful yoga session. It was great fun and clearly we have some very flexible children in the class! See photos in the slide show above.

Sadly, our Holi celebrations were put on hold due to the rain that preceded Storm Nelson, but we still had an enjoyable final day which included a poetry share with Endeavour Class. Both classes had written their own Indian animal poems and children had a chance to read theirs aloud and to listen to and appreciate each other's poems. It was a lovely session.

Wishing all Investigator families a restful and enjoyable Easter Holiday! See you in Term 5.