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  1. News
  2. Discovery Class
  3. Week Ahead In Discovery 25.03.24

Week Ahead In Discovery 25.03.24

24 March 2024 (by Sonia Coles (scoles))

Final week in T4 with lots of learning and fun.

It was lovely to meet so many of you at parent's evening to talk about the progress your child has made this academic year and socially.

In class, we have begun our topic on Light, Darkness and Shadows. The children have been so engaged and enthusiastic during learning time, conducting experiments and sharing their own amazing facts. This week, we continue with science conducting a few experiments using a lux meter on various materials and cover shadows.

Photos to follow, as I'm having difficulty uploading them.

Final Swimming Session: 

Y3 will need to bring pyjamas for swimming next week. They will be learning about self rescue in their swimming lesson.  Ideally pyjamas should  have long legs (rather than shorts) so that they get thoroughly water-logged. However, all children should arrive in school uniform that day.

Maths: We have completed our assessments on mass and capacity. Children will spend the rest of the week on revisions of all topics covered over so far.

Star of the term assembly, will be held on Wednesday this week. I won't be in school that day, but I'm very pleased for the children receiving their certificates as a recognition of their positive attitude and hard work.

Easter activities and Holi:

There will be a few creative Easter activities, especially after learning the  story about Good Friday in RE. It also symbolises new life and colour. Holi, is also an Indian festival with a similar meaning and marking the start of spring. School will finish at 1:30pm that day and will be a non-uniform day. Please ensure your children do not wear their best clothes due to the colour run towards the end of the day.

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead.