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  1. News
  2. Highflyer Class
  3. Highflyer Class Term 4 Week 4

Highflyer Class Term 4 Week 4

9 March 2024 (by Dorothy Wyatt (dwyatt))


Wow - HYF never ceases to be amazing each year, plus World Book Day into the mix as well!

Last week our class had great fun with extra experiences with a dance and an art workshop, a visiting theatre, a visiting award-winning author showcasing his books and the opportunity to dress up as their favourite character!

Also not least with extra sport for girls on Friday to celebrate  #Let Girls Play.   All very exciting!

This week will be very much more settled, reviewing our thoughts about last week and continuing with fables from India.  We will be looking at 'The Tiger Child' and our writing will be based around understanding the story and finding out what a fable is.

Phonics focus - comparing  ‘j’, ‘g’, ‘ge’ and ‘dge’

Maths continues with multipication '✖'   Using the symbol correctly and saying it as 'lots of' or 'groups of' or 'times'.

Maths homework was handed out last Friday.  Please do the page with your child's name on first.  If any questions are particulary challenging then do tell them to ask me in class.  If the second side is too much for them then if you could initial it to let me know, that would be very helpful.  

Forest School is as normal on Tuesday afternoon. P.E. on Thursday.

Have a great week!