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  1. News
  2. Endeavour Class
  3. Endeavour Class: Term 4, Week 4

Endeavour Class: Term 4, Week 4

10 March 2024 (by Kerry Burbedge (kburbedge))

We have had THE busiest week! We’ve had plays, photography lessons, netball tournaments, not to mention World Book Day!! 

This week, we will be focusing our learning on the Water Cycle - both in geography and then writing an explanation text in English. We will conduct a small experiment to allow full understanding of how the water in the world moves. 
We continue learning of Banghra dancing in PE whilst Y6 continue their final learning of the maths curriculum before SATS. 

Our spelling test is on Thursday as usual - homework for Y6 is now set on SATS Bootcamp and Y5 are completing their English Skills book as normal.

Have a brilliant week!

Mrs Burbedge